Improve Your Happiness By Forming a Healthy Gay Relationship
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), there has been an increase in the number of people identifying as same-sex couples. This may be attributed to different factors including changes in legislation in different states and territories.
While this positive trend is a boon for members of the LGBTQ community, if you have recently come out of the closet, you are probably interested in learning how to be a happy gay man—an important component of which is having a healthy gay relationship.
What exactly does it take to have such a relationship? Listed here are some useful tips that may help you achieve that goal with your partner.
The same but not identical
In almost all types of relationships, sharing the same interests and having the same outlook in life can benefit partners. In gay couples, it is essential to have these but it is also equally important for you and your partner to forge your own unique identities. Otherwise, if one of you tries to be the exact copy of the other, that can lead to boredom in your relationship.
Cultivate open communication
Whether you and your partner are discussing trivial matters or crucial things, it helps to be direct and honest in your communications with one another. You should both feel at ease and safe with each other when discussing any subject, without feeling uncomfortable or judged.
Fight fair
Conflicts will inevitably arise in your relationship. The key here is not to avoid these conflicts but to accept these as a normal part of a healthy relationship. Both of you should learn and make a great effort to make the conversation about the problem and your own feelings, not about your partner. Your end goal should be to reach a resolution with clear communication that is a win-win solution for you and your loved one.
Seek balance
Another secret to having a healthy gay relationship is striving to achieve a balance between your identity as an individual and as a partner. Either extreme can be unhealthy and can lead to adverse effects like feeling suffocated or out of touch with your social self.
Enjoy your relationship sensually and sexually
One key lesson you can learn from successful gay couples is to find ways to show and express your affection toward your partner, both sensually and sexually.
Surround yourself with positivity
If you surround yourself with friends and relatives who openly support and honour your relationship, your relationship will be given a big boost.
Don’t be afraid to show that you are gay in public
Whether you are simply embarrassed or you are fearful about being judged, being uncomfortable in showing your affection to your partner in public can undermine the health of your relationship. Instead, you and your partner should be comfortable with one another and your relationship anywhere you may be, including in front of your parents and family.
Make time for each other
Although you may wish to spend each waking hour with one another, that’s probably not possible with your other commitments. In order to strengthen your partnership, make an effort to find and spend quality time with your loved one.
Relationships are never effortless, and gay relationships have their own unique challenges, but working on your gay relationship can return huge dividends for your health, happiness and future life.
Are you an LGBTIQ person who has problems starting or maintaining a relationship?
If so, contact Sydney Gay Counselling on (02) 8968 9323 or book an appointment online today to find out how we can help.